Where Images & Intuition Meet
The ideology, method, and history of SoulCollage®
At the most basic level, SoulCollage® can be described as a method of using collage to create your own, personal oracle deck that reflects all the unique facets of your individual life. This oracle deck can be used in readings, as a basis for healing, and as a tool for self-discovery. You can create as many SoulCollage® cards as you want, reflecting the infinite landscape of your interior world.
SoulCollage®, as a method and tool for self-discovery, was created by Seena B. Frost when she was developing her final project for a “Human Capacities” program she was enrolled in. Her work was informed by thinkers like Carl Jung, James Hillman, Roberto Assagioli, and others. Specifically, Carl Jung’s ideas of symbols, the subconscious, and the collective unconscious influenced Seena Frost to utilize imagery to symbolize different aspects of the self. The process of SoulCollage® has been used in many therapeutic contexts, by thousands of people for self-discovery and inner work, and is practiced by certified Facilitators and participants around the globe.
Rooted in the ideas of Carl Jung, Seena envisioned the SoulCollage® process to be fun, creative, and abundantly useful. Participants begin by finding imagery, sourced from magazines and other print media. Participants need no prior art training, only to be open to listening to the voices that the images present. As participants look through images, they are encouraged to choose images that evoke some sort of reaction, whether positive or negative. Once several images are selected, participants arrange them onto a 5”x8” card, experimenting with the arrangement of images, adding elements, and taking away, until it “clicks” into place with the right balance to bring forth the voice of the card. Each card has one energy, voice, or “Neter” that is embodied in the imagery on the card. After the arrangement feels complete, participants glue the images into place and encase the card in a plastic sleeve. A new card, a new Neter has been born!
Each card has one energy or voice or Neter (in ancient Egyptian lore, the gods and goddesses that came forth from the One Neter, or Source, to help or challenge humans). The voice that comes forward, comes through the imagery to speak to the creator of the card. Once the cards are created, this is where the magic really happens. SouCollage® cards can be used in readings, much like other tarot cards or oracle decks. The difference with these cards is that each card is unique to you, created especially by you, to reflect the many deep parts of your soul. Consulting the cards, asking questions, and listening to what the cards have to say through the “I Am One Who…” process provides deep insight, healing, and self-discovery.
You can create as many SoulCollage® cards as you want and many participants have decks that include hundreds of cards. Each one of these cards represents a different aspect of the deck’s owner and creator’s soul. What makes SoulCollage® so special is that everyone’s deck is completely unique, a bespoke object that reflects the soul of the creator. Because of this SoulCollage® decks are not to be reproduced or sold for mass consumption, they really are something that is just for you. This point cannot be reiterated enough. While all of the cards are complex and beautiful and works of art in their own right, they exist solely for the one who made them, the one whose soul they reflect back.
Creating SoulCollage® cards and using the cards for readings, journaling, and self-discovery is an immense gift to give yourself. Utilizing imagery is abundant, low cost, accessible, inclusive, fun and creative. The process of creating the cards is exciting, intuitive, and satisfying. Learning about the complex, infinite, and beautiful inner world you and everyone possesses can impart deep healing, wisdom, and truth. Seeing the way you fit into the larger story of the collective unconscious and universal aspects of humanity gives a sense of deep belonging and comfort. If this has piqued your interest and you’d like to learn more about SoulCollage®, follow @stardustexperiment on Instagram and come to one of my SoulCollage® workshops. You can learn more about me here and continue your SoulCollage® journey here.
To learn more from the SoulCollage website, click here.