Creative Expression - Skill Building Lesson

Lesson Title:
Creative Expression - Skill Building

Lesson Description:
Students will work on a skill building assignment to help them get used to the editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro) they will use to execute their artmaking assignment. Students will edit found footage together to practice using the functions of the software. They will work in the computer lab to execute this assignment. The teacher will provide screencast of the functions of the software to help students remember what functions to use and provide examples of what the software can do. 

Grade Level:
High School - Beginning

Time Frame:
Two 2-hour class periods

Focus Artwork:
Kimsooja, A Needle Woman, 1999

Lesson Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:

  • Use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit together a sequence using found footage.
  • Create transitions from one clip to the next in Premiere Pro.
  • Edit a sequence together.
  • Export their media file for uploading to the Internet. 

Instructional Resources:

  • Computer
  • LCD Projector
  • Keyboard shortcuts worksheet

Art Materials:

  • Computer lab
  • Computers equipped with Adobe Premiere Pro software (Creative Cloud)
  • Found footage zip files

Day 1:
Anticipatory set: 

  • Teacher will begin class in the computer lab. Students will find their way to computer. Teacher will explain that the students will be practicing some skills and techniques they will need to use to execute their experimental video project. Teacher explains that they will be using Adobe Premiere Pro which is provided on computers in the computer lab via the Creative Cloud (10 minutes). 

Direct Instruction:

  • Teacher begins the lesson by enlarging her screen via the projector to show the students her desktop as they work along. 
  • Teacher asks students to navigate to the “Found Footage” zip file that has already been loaded onto their desktop. Once the students open the zip file the teacher begins to explain the major functions of Adobe Premiere Pro.
  • The teacher takes the students on a tour of the workspace going over the basic functions of Adobe Premiere Pro. Students will go over how to import files, organize media, cut clips, add them into a sequence, rearrange, delete, and ripple edit. Students will also go over how to add a music backing track to their video (50 minutes - 1 hour).

Guided Practice:

  • Students will spend the rest of the class period experimenting with the software and adding their clips into a sequence while the teacher circles the classroom checking in on student progress (45 minutes).

Day 2:
Guided Practice:

  • Students will get set up in the computer lab and bring up their projects (10 minutes).
  • Teacher will ask if anyone has specific questions or difficulties that need to be addressed (20 minutes).
  • Students spend the rest of the class period working on their edits and practicing the various functions of Adobe Premiere Pro. The exercises will be turned in by the end of class (90 minutes).
  • Students that complete their practice video exercise early may begin brainstorming for their Everyday Life experimental video project. 


  • Teacher explains that this software will be used to execute their videos for the next assignment. Teacher will then address any remaining questions before starting the video project the following class period.
  • Exercise videos are turned in. 

Modifications for Learners’ Specific Needs:

  • Gifted and talented: students may be challenged to record their own footage instead of using found footage to edit their skillbuilding assignment. 
  • Learning disability: students will be given extended time to work on their exercise. Students may be partnered with another student to help them learn the software. All students will have access to a recording of a demo of the software to reference. 
  • Physical limitations: students with physical limitations may be partnered with another student if needed to help them execute their vision of the exercise. 

Multiple Intelligences Used:

  • Logical-mathematical intelligence: addressed as students use a logical sequence within video editing software to complete an exercise. 
  • Interpersonal intelligence: could be addressed if students decide to work in groups or aid each other as they work through the video making exercise.
  • Intrapersonal intelligence: addressed as students make creative choices as they work through the video editing exercise.


  • Zip file (n.) - a computer file whose contents of one or more files are compressed for storage or transmission, often carrying the extension .ZIP.
  • Import (v.) - transfer (data) into a file or document.
  • Sequence (n.) - a set of related events, movements, or things that follow each other in a particular order.
  • Export (v). - transfer (data) in a format that can be used by other programs.
  • Cut (v.) - move to another shot in a movie.
  • Editing (v.) - choose material for (a movie or a radio or television program) and arrange it to form a coherent whole.
  • Transition (n.) - a film transition is a technique used in the post-production process of film editing and video editing by which scenes or shots are combined. Most commonly this is through a normal cut to the next shot.

Criteria for Assessment of Student Learning:
Did students…. 

  • Use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit together a sequence using found footage?
  • Create transitions from one clip to the next in Premiere Pro?
  • Edit a sequence together?
  • Export their media file for uploading to the Internet?

Method of Assessment:

  • During the direct instruction portion, the teacher will ask questions to check for understanding about the functions of Adobe Premiere Pro (formative assessment). 
  • During guided practice, teacher will clarify instructions, answer questions, or re-teach when needed (formative assessment). 
  • The exercise will be evaluated based on completion and to ensure that the students are adequately using all the functions covered in the demonstration (summative assessment). 

California Visual Arts Standards Addressed:

  • 2.1 Solve a visual arts problem that involves the effective use of the elements of art and the principles of design.
  • 2.3 Develop and refine skill in the manipulation of digital imagery (either still or video). 
  • 2.5 Create an expressive composition, focusing on dominance and subordination. 


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